Saturday we attended the JK Games in Paludzka, an area of Liptovsky Mikuláš. In America, JK may stand for 'just kidding', but here in Slovakia, it stands for Ježiš Kristus, or Jesus Christ. This was an annual day-long event that is held in our town and sponsored by our church, and it involves hundreds of Christian young people from the region. The organizational aspect was amazing in pulling it all off so successfully!
There were two really good speakers giving witness/sermon type talks, one during the opening program and one after lunch. Vicki translated for us, which was great! |
The kids were packed into the gym for the opening program before the games began! |
Each year's JK Games has had a different theme, and the banners since 2007 were hung up at the side of the gym. |
We played 3 games in pool play, but only the top 2 teams from each pool made it into the semi-finals. It was a fun day for sure, seeing many of our students participating, volunteering in some capacity, and even watching the competitions. We were really impressed by all the work and preparation that went into organizing such a big event.
Sunday we went to church as usual, and this time Zuzana was there to translate for us - she always does such a wonderful job!! Then I actually cooked a big Sunday dinner for the first time in a while, since we've been gone so much lately. While things were in the oven, we listened to our online sermon over hot chai tea lattes. We kept waiting for the temperatures to warm up a little (they didn't) and the sun to come out (it didn't), but we wanted to get outside and get some exercise, so we finally went for a long walk through the town center and down along the Vah River in the afternoon. We enjoyed it despite the weather!! We also watched some DVD's that friends had loaned us, which was a first for us here - it was nice to have some down time to do that.
Today at school, the first and second year students were all gone on a field trip, which meant we didn't have to teach many classes. It was a relaxing day to get caught up with, and even ahead on, some school work. At 5:00 we walked to church choir (in drizzle - ugh), got a ride home from one of our singers afterwards, and then hurried over to volleyball at our school (in drizzle again - it's so annoying!!) We're still optimistic about the arrival of that "Indian Summer" around here!! Any time now would be terrific!! :-)
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