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Saška picked us up, as well as our Basic School colleague, Kveta, and her daughter, Katka, who is a student at our school. They also live in our block of flats. |
This is the beautiful and very old Catholic church in Bobrovec. The acoustics in the sanctuary were amazing for the concert! |
Last week at school was normal. And that equals BUSY!! It seems like we stayed late at school fairly often to get things done. Blog readers have heard our schedule before --- church choir rehearsal, volleyball two nights, adult lessons --- nothing out of the ordinary. Wednesday after school, we did have a special treat, as one of our Slovak daughters, Katarina Joy, came over for tea and conversation before she was meeting with another friend. It seems like everyone is always on the go at school this year, so it was nice to relax and catch up with her for a while at our flat.
Tim has also started teaching four lessons a week of Mathematics in English, as a permanent sub for a colleague who will be gone on medical leave for the rest of the school year. It's a perfect fit, needless to say, and something that Tim will enjoy very much, though it does add more to his schedule.
Fast forward to Friday night, and we attended our second stužkova of the year, with our wonderful 5.AP class.
The 'welcoming committee' of beauties as we arrived. Miro, our colleague at left, brought us to the stužkova by car, along with another teacher, Daša, in the 'little black dress'. |
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Stanka and Goya are two of my favorite 5.A's - fun gals!! We have so many 'favorite students' here at EGJT!! |
The teacher table - with Katka, the 5.AP Class Teacher at left, and Janka, our deputy headmistress at right. |
The other end of the teacher table, with several of our colleagues who shared our former large teacher office. We miss seeing these gals many times a day!! |
The girls dancing in part of the medley of songs from musicals. Very cute!! |
Katka, (class teacher), presented the kids with Lanterns of Happiness, so they all went outside to light them and send them floating into the night sky! |
Some of the Lanterns of Happiness floating up, up, and away! |
They also had some sparklers to light up outside. It was a special ending for the evening's program, seeing the lanterns floating away! |
The class picture, with the teachers in attendance. Love these kids!! |
After all the guests were seated, all the couples processed into the ballroom. The boys all had flowers for the girls, and the girls brought white handkerchiefs for the boys. |
After they all entered and formed a circle, they exchanged gifts with their partners before starting the first dance. |
After dinner, each student chose a dance partner from the guest tables. I'm dancing with Roman, another of our favorite students, who is also our head mistress's son. I was honored to dance with him! |
Handsome men all in suits!! Martin (at right) was our host for the weekend with his family in NE Slovakia this fall. |
I was presented with two white venček (wreaths), one from Roman, and one from this young man, Jakub. They were both excellent dance partners! |
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Then at the end, when all the wreaths have been pinned, the boy and girl with the most wreaths are the king and queen of the ball! Here are Miška and Roman, the winners! |
Another favorite, Lucy, translated for us on the church bus tour a year ago! |
It was really cold in church today, so that cup of hot chai afterwards tasted wonderful while watching our online sermon. After that I actually cooked a big Sunday dinner, for the first time in a while, because of our crazy schedule and travels. Then soon we headed back to church for an ecumenical service this afternoon (Lutheran, Catholic, and Baptist), because of today's Slovak national holiday - Day of the Fight for Freedom and Democracy. Our choir sang two of the anthems we've already done before, our two pastors did the liturgical part of the service, the Baptist pastor did some prayers, and the Catholic priest gave the sermon. There was also a dramatic reading, complete with patriotic-sounding music in the background. They served cakes to everyone as we walked out of the church.
And now we are looking forward to skype and FaceTime chats with family at home this evening! We miss everyone, and really look forward to talking face-to-face each week!!
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