Theorem #1 = the more robed pastors who process into church, the longer the service
Theorem #2 = a charter bus outside of the church also results in a longer service
Theorem #3 = the more dignitaries seated in reserved pews, the longer the service
Today's service affirmed these concepts once again! :-) The service was only about an hour and 20 minutes, and to be honest it was quite interesting and enjoyable with great music.
The charter bus was for a military band who played 6-8 selections during the service -- they were superb musicians! Dynamics, articulation, sensitivity --- very well trained and rehearsed. |
There was also an honor guard who processed in and remained at attention with the Slovak national flag through the ceremonial parts of the service. (about the 1st 1/2 - up until the sermon) |
After the service, when we were being greeted by the 3 officiating pastors, (one was the chaplain at the military school nearby - he gave the sermon, and one was a military chaplain who has served in Afghanistan), one of our regular pastors had Lenka translate for us since we never can communicate. He invited us to come Monday night to rehearse Christmas carols with the choir to prepare for holiday special music. That should be an awesome experience!! We wonder if they'll sing any carols familiar to us?!?! The pastor and another lady who had been on the bus tour with us in September both told Lenka how happy people are that we are worshiping with them. We are definitely feeling like we "belong" to this new church community despite the language barrier!
The pastors and the mayor with some of the uniformed police, fire fighters, etc. in the square in front of the church. |
So now I'd better grade some papers for school. :-)
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