Saturday, December 8, 2012

Classroom Visitors

Friday was a long day at school, but as always, it was fun!  Tim and I started with an extra early-bird class for the Octavas (they're the ones who don't have a native speaker for Conversation, so we meet them at 7:00 a.m. every other Friday.)  Fridays are normally my busiest day - 4 classes, a plan period, then another class - but today I subbed for one class too, so I ended up teaching 7 classes in a row - WHEW!!  And I'm "retired"????  LOL!!  We ended up staying until after 4:00 to do lesson plans for next week, since yesterday we also lost 3 plan periods due to the Open House.  The place was pretty empty by the time we left!!

The reason I was needed to sub was so Katarina could participate in classroom visits for all the students.  As we understand it, on St. Nickolas Day, it's traditional here for St. Nickolas to appear with an angel and a devil, who are all representing the struggle between good and evil.  Good prevails in this saintly man, who then gives sweets to the children.  I'm guessing they used the costumes at the basic school yesterday, so Friday was our turn!  

I was teaching my I.A5 Realia class - conversation AND U.S. history/geography,
hence the map in the background.  I was really surprised when St. Nick
pounded on my classroom door and burst inside!!  :-)  

The full effect - Katarina (who was type-cast in this role!).
Miro, and a student.  

The weather here has gotten much colder, and we've gotten a few light dustings of snow that have stayed on the ground.  Last night the bank sign said -7 degrees, but of course that's celsius, so it's not bad at all - still way above zero for us.  It's working well that I can keep my baked goods on the balcony to stay frozen!

We walked to volleyball, but were a little late because it took much longer to walk through the square, as there is a Christmas Market here this weekend.  What a sight!  It was packed with vendors and people.  We'll be going over there today to check it out instead of hurrying through like last night.  Well, when we got to the gym, it was dark and no one was around.  Since we were late, we don't know if others came earlier or not.  Bummer!  But we stopped to get groceries on the way home, then had a quiet evening reading the paper online.  

This is a special part of the blog just for Curran and his family!!  .....................
The festive holiday placemats you sent look wonderful in our kitchen!
And how did you know that my shopping list today included votive candles?
We bought this small Christmas candle-holder at the Open House and needed a
candle to put in it!  It was sold by some of our students who work with
handicapped students at another school, who made decorations as a fund-raiser.
We also bought a couple of ornaments for our tree.

Thanks, Curran for the adorable snowman towel with
jingle bells!!  We will think of you every time we see it!!
Maybe you'll get enough snow in Ankeny to make a snowman soon!


My cousin sent us an email link to a neat site.  If you try it with our address, you'll see me out trimming the bushes across the street from your house, Curran!!  And it will work for your house too.  Merry Christmas!!  

See your house in a Snow Globe...

Then click the "Shake" button

1 comment:

  1. So glad that you opened your Christmas gifts early, and that you are enjoying them. We just had a visit from the "new" Olsons--they delivered a lovely, yummy plate of sweets--much like the "old" Olsons did:) It was so funny because Todd had just asked, "What's for dessert tonight?" and we heard a knock at the door! We really enjoy your family--they are so excited about their trip!
